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Friday, January 26

No Blogger Button

One of my pet peaves about "new blogger" is the
lack of an updated, compatible blogger button. Well,
I think I've found a solution that works for me.

Did you know that when you click "New Post" & go
to the "New Post" page that the url of this page is
static, instead of dynamic? In other words, it never

Included in this "New Post" url is your unique blog id #.
For Example, my blog id # is 8755143929966545114. The
url is http://www2.blogger.com/post-create.g? with a blog
id # appended to it.

For Example, mine would look like this:
This link with your own blog id will always work.
If you're not already signed in, it'll have you sign in,
but afterwards it'll still take you directly to your blog's
"New Post" page. Nifty, Huh!