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Sunday, September 3

Text & Link Colors

In the next few minutes I will show how to assign text & link colors for your webpage!

For starters, we need the <BODY></BODY> tags. This is where all your webpage info goes, content, images, etc. But, for now, we will focus on the <BODY> tag. Your text color & link color info will go within this first tag.

First let's focus on the text color. Here's an example of how the tag will look: <BODY TEXT="#000000"> Notice the TEXT attribute, that stands for the TEXTCOLOR We're using hexadecimal code here to get our TEXTCOLOR. In this case, our TEXTCOLOR is black (#000000) We can make it any color we want, though. However, it's a good idea to make your TEXTCOLOR contrast with the background color, so it's more readable.

Now, for those links. The first tag atribute is pretty much self-explanatory: <BODY LINK="#FF00FF">. There's also ALINK, which stands for Active LINK, and VLINK, which stands for Visited LINK.

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